Source code for python_gtmetrix2.exceptions

# python-gtmetrix2
# Exceptions
# ==========

Basically, there are two main exception classes:
:exc:`APIFailureException` and :exc:`APIErrorException`.

First of them (the "failure" one) happens when API server returns something
what was not expected by the library: for example, when library expects to
receive a JSON, but can't parse the response. Cases like this should not
happen outside of unittests, so if you encounter one - please file an issue.

Second one (the "error" one) happens when API server returns (properly
formatted) error response.  In that case, it is assumed that it was a problem
with how the library is used.  But if you disagree - please file an issue.

Both of these classes are based on the :exc:`BaseAPIException`, and has
the following attributes usually set: ``request``, ``response``, ``data``.
``request`` and ``response`` link to relevant instances of
:class:`urllib.request.Request`, :class:`http.client.HTTPResponse`, or
:class:`urllib.error.HTTPError`, if they were available at the moment when the
exception was raised. In addition to this, :exc:`APIFailureException`
has a ``message`` attribute, which contains a text description of the problem.

Also, there is a :exc:`APIErrorFailureException`, which is raised if
:exc:`APIFailureException` (i.e. unparsable or invalid JSON) happens.
It's a subclass of :class:`APIFailureException`, so you don't need to
care about it, unless you're interested in it.


[docs]class BaseAPIException(Exception): """Base class for all exceptions in this library. Passed parameter are available as attributes. :param request: Request which was sent to the API server, if available. :type request: :class:`urllib.request.Request` or None :param response: Response from the API server. :type response: :class:`http.client.HTTPResponse` or :class:`urllib.error.HTTPError` :param data: data received from the API server, if any. :type data: None, bytes or dict (in case it was parsed from JSON) :param extra: extra information, if available, defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, request, response, data, extra=None): self.request = request self.response = response = data self.extra = extra
[docs]class APIFailureException(BaseAPIException): """API server returned an unexpected response. There was a disagreement between API server and this library: server returned something what the library did not expect to receive. :param str message: text explaining the error. other parameters are same as for parent class :exc:`BaseAPIException`. """ def __init__(self, message, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.message = message
[docs]class APIErrorFailureException(APIFailureException): """APIFailureException happened when processing an error response. Parameters are the same as for parent class :exc:`APIFailureException`. """ pass
[docs]class APIErrorException(BaseAPIException): """API returned an error. Parameters are the same as for parent class :exc:`BaseAPIException`. You can inspect error details in the `data` attribute of this object, it usually looks like this: .. code-block:: json { "errors": [ { "status": "405", "code": "E40500", "title": "HTTP method not allowed", "detail": "Method is not supported by the endpoint" } ] } """ pass