
Any feedback or PRs are welcome


Saying that, I would greatly appreciate if you drop me a line (or open guthub issue) before making changes - so we’re on the same page and don’t do similar or incompatible changes.


Autotests are automated by Travis in clouds, so to run them you can just create a PR.

To run tests locally, you need to install pytest with httpserver and execute pytest in the root of this repository like this:

~/git/python-gtmetrix2$ pytest tests
======================== test session starts =========================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.6, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/lex/git/python-gtmetrix2
plugins: requests-mock-1.9.3, cov-2.12.1, httpserver-1.0.0
collected 15 items

tests/ ...............                             [100%]

========================= 15 passed in 0.80s =========================

Examples serve as kind of “manual” tests.


Code coverage by autotests is measured by Codecov in clouds, so you can see results in PRs.

To measure coverage manually, install coverage and run it like this:

~/git/python-gtmetrix2$ coverage run -m pytest tests

Its output is same as when running tests. To show actual coverage values, run:

~/git/python-gtmetrix2$ coverage report --skip-empty
Name                               Stmts   Miss  Cover
src/python_gtmetrix2/     155      0   100%
tests/                   227      0   100%
TOTAL                                382      0   100%

To generate a coverage report in html format, run:

~/git/python-gtmetrix2$ coverage html --skip-empty

It will output nothing, but create nice HTML report in the htmlcov directory.

Tis project aims for 100% code coverage by tests, so just mark untested lines with pragma: no cover and be done with it, lol.